
Movment and Migration

Historical human migration, out of Africa across Eurasia, began about a million years ago. European colonialism led to accelerate migration, beginning at about the 16th century and reaching new heights in the 19th century.

Army ants migrate to locate food. They sometimes raid other ant colonies and capture "slaves." Army ants are nomadic and they really do march at night and are said to have collective intelligence.

In 2005, the Ministry of Reshelving aimed to convince as many people as possible in the US to raid bookstores and move George Orwell's 1984 out of the fiction section to more appropriate sections, such as non-fiction.

Jocelyn Wildenstein
paid millions of dollars to have her face transformed into one that resembles a cat (although, seriously, I've never seen a cat that looked that bad).

Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunt game in which participants use a GPS device to locate hidden caches (small containers that typically contain trinkets of insignificant monetary value). Geocaching has its roots in letterboxing. Numerous websites list the coordinates of geocaches around the world.

Wikipedia defines balloon as a flexible bag filled with a type of gas. In 2007, a "Blogged" balloon was burst by reader clicks(how's that for interactive blogging?).

And speaking of round, buoyant, globular objects...according to Awful Plastic surgery, fake breasts (think nearly every "actress" inHollywood and British tarts with crossover-American appeal) are easily discernable from real ones by their "bolted on" look and the large gap (like you can drive a truck through it) in between in breasts.

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